The world celebrates the International women’s day yearly on the 8Th of March as a reminder of respect, appreciation, and love for women, and a recognition for their success in economic and political fields, and achievements and role in society.
Esposa chose to celebrate this day in its own way, on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of March, in ABC mall Ashrafieh and Dbayeh. The Esposa team decided to place a huge white dress made out of paper as the main item at the Esposa stand, and printed quotes about women on purple sticky notes, purple being women's day color. The idea behind that was to complete the dress with the sticky quote notes. Every passing woman would get to stick a purple paper on that dress until it becomes all purple. Esposa tried to give women from all nationalities the opportunity to express their concerns to the world and remind it of her existence. This activity created a nice buzz in the mall, and the occasion was celebrated in a way to be remembered, Esposa’s way.